Responding to COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus)

Hello VAM Fans
We are in the midst of an invasion. It’s something Vikings are familiar with although usually on the “giving” side. As is prudent and wise, we are taking all precautions and preparations to repel the COVID 19 invader.
Per the CDC and Cobb/Douglas Public Health, the best defense is cleanliness and sanitation. That is something we are REALLY good at and do more than anything else every day. In the taproom we will continue to do the following to insure your best experience with us:

  •  All surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized at open and hourly throughout the day.

  •  Bathrooms will be cleaned and sanitized hourly throughout the day.

  • All drinking vessels and utensils will be cleaned and sanitized before and after use.

  • We use disposable cups for our tasting flights. They will also be sanitized before use.

  • All outside growlers will be cleaned and sanitized before refilling. If we don’t feel they can be adequately cleaned, we will not be able to use them.

  •  Hand sanitizer will be available for staff and guests throughout the meadery.

  • Staff will take extra care in washing their hands. They spend a fair bit of time with their hands in a bucket of sanitizer, so a little extra precaution is good for us all.

What you can do to help:

  • Wash your hands. We’ll make sure the restroom is well supplied with soap and hand sanitizer.

  • Try not to share drinking vessels.

  • If you’re not feeling well, stay home. We’ll be here when you are feeling better.

That’s it. Simple things we can all do to look after each other. We will repel the invaders. We will win.

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Eric Berrios